RESPONSIBLE AGENCY Autoridade Nacional de Licenciamento Ambiental (ANLA, I.P.) Address: 3rd Floor, Acait Building, Avenida Francisco Xavier do Amaral, Dili Timor-Leste, Dili, Timor-Leste, Telephone: +670 7711 5444 Email: infonael2019@gmail.com REQUIRED DOCUMENTS |
PROCESS STEPS Step 1: Prepare Applications along with all required documents. Step 2: Submit the application to Autoridade Nacional de Licenciamento Ambiental (ANLA, I.P.) Step 3: Based on the review, the applications are grouped into three categories: Category - A, B, and C. Step 4: For Category - A, the steps are: Public Consultation, Scoping (TOR), Draft EIS and EMP, EIS and EMP Step 5: For Category - B, the steps are: Draft IEE and EMP, Optional Public Consultation before issuing the license. Step 6: For Category - C, there are no additional steps. The license is issued directly following the review of the application. |
# | Title | Description | Issued By | File |
1 | Permohonan Izin Lingkungan | Ini adalah formulir resmi berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 05/2011 tentang Perizinan Lingkungan. Formulir ini harus diisi secara lengkap dan diserahkan kepada Badan Nasional Perizinan Lingkungan (NAEL-ANLA), bersama dengan semua dokumentasi pendukung yang diperlukan. | Autoridade Nacional de Licenciamento Ambiental (ANLA, I.P.) |
# | Name | Description | Measure Type | Agency | Comments | Dokumen Hukum | Validity To | Measure Class |
# | Process name | Process short name | Activity |
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