Non-Tariff Measures

Explore the comprehensive range of Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs) related to exports, imports, or transit. Our user-friendly platform offers a seamless experience for accessing important information on NTMs. Effortlessly search through various categories, types, agencies, and dates to quickly find the specific NTMs that matter to your business. With a simple click, you can view detailed information about each measure, its requirements, and any associated documentation.

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# Name Enforced By Type Activity Created On Validity From Validity To
1 Import License Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MCI) Licensing Requirement Import 2023-02-28 2011-01-24 9999-09-09
2 Export License Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo (ANP) Licensing Requirement Export , Import 2023-02-28 2011-01-24 9999-09-09
3 Quarantine Import Permit for plant and plant products Quarantine and Biosecurity Unit (QBU) Permit Requirement Import 2023-02-28 2006-09-20 9999-09-09
4 Labeling Requirements Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MCI) Permit Requirement Import 2023-03-21 2016-07-08 9999-09-09
5 Sanitary and Phytosanitary Certificates Quarantine and Biosecurity Unit (QBU) SPS Export 2023-03-21 2003-12-31 9999-09-09
6 Quarantine Clearance of Imported Cargo Quarantine and Biosecurity Unit (QBU) Inspection Requirement Import 2023-03-21 2003-12-31 9999-09-09
7 Import Prohibitions Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MCI) Prohibited Goods Import 2023-03-21 2016-07-16 9999-09-09
8 Quarantine Import Permit for Live Animals, Reproductive Materials, Meat or Meat Products Quarantine and Biosecurity Unit (QBU) Permit Requirement Import 2023-03-21 2006-09-20 9999-09-09
9 Quarantine Import Permit for Biological Materials Quarantine and Biosecurity Unit (QBU) Permit Requirement Import 2023-03-21 2006-09-20 9999-09-09
10 Business Registration Business Registration and Verification Service (SERVE) Registration Requirement Export , Import 2023-03-21 2011-01-24 9999-09-09
11 Exporter/ Importer License by Regulating Commission of Pharmaceutical Activities Ministry of Health Licensing Requirement Import 2023-03-21 2004-05-26 9999-09-09
12 Import Permit for Medicines Ministry of Health Permit Requirement Export 2023-03-21 2004-05-26 9999-09-09
13 Export Permit for Medicines Ministry of Health Permit Requirement Export 2023-03-21 2004-05-26 9999-09-09
14 License by the National Drug Administration Ministry of Health Licensing Requirement Import 2023-03-21 2004-05-26 9999-09-09
15 Tobacco Import Permit by Ministry of Health Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MCI) Permit Requirement Import 2023-03-21 2004-01-30 9999-09-09
16 Labeling Requirements for Tobacco Products Ministry of Health Permit Requirement Export 2023-03-21 2018-01-10 9999-09-09
17 Request for Authorization of a Fuel, Biofuel and Lubricant Trading Transaction Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo (ANP) Performance Requirement Export , Import 2023-03-21 2016-01-28 9999-09-09
18 Import Permit for Motor Vehicles Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MCI) Permit Requirement Import 2023-03-21 2013-01-01 9999-09-09
19 Import Permit from Ministry of Defense and National Security Ministry of Interior Permit Requirement Export 2023-03-21 2004-01-30 9999-09-09
20 HCFC Import License Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MCI) Licensing Requirement Import 2023-03-21 2004-01-30 9999-09-09
21 Tax Identification Numbers (TIN) Registration Autoridade Tributária Timor-Leste Registration Requirement Export 2023-04-02 2008-04-25 9999-09-09
22 Trading License for Import and export Fuel, Biofuel and Lubricant Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo (ANP) Licensing Requirement Export , Import 2023-04-05 2023-04-28 9999-09-09
23 Granting, Amendment and Renewal of Downstream Activities Licenses Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo (ANP) Licensing Requirement Export , Import 2023-04-06 2014-10-24 9999-09-09
24 Authorization for the import of poultry and poultry products Quarantine and Biosecurity Unit (QBU) Restriction Import 2023-05-21 2018-03-13 0002-12-10
25 Authorization for temporary export of Cultural heritage Timor-Leste Customs Authority Restriction Export 2023-05-21 2017-09-06 0002-12-12
26 Authorization for Export of objects of art and those from archaeological works Timor-Leste Customs Authority Restriction Export 2023-05-21 2017-09-06 0002-12-22
27 Export Prohibition of Cultural heritage Timor-Leste Customs Authority Prohibited Goods Export 2023-05-21 2017-05-06 0002-12-12
28 Import of Bags, Packaging and Other Plastic objects Ministry of Finance Duty/Tax Payable Import 2023-05-21 2020-09-23 0002-12-16
29 Labeling requirements for plastic material Ministry of Finance Labeling, Marking and Packaging requirements Export 2023-05-21 2020-09-23 0002-12-14
30 Import License for hydrochlorofluorocarbons and of products, materials, equipment or vehicles that have been designed to use substances that deplete the ozone layer Ministry of Finance Licensing Requirement Import 2023-05-21 2012-07-18 0002-12-20
31 Export License for hydrochlorofluorocarbons and of products, materials, equipment or vehicles that have been designed to use substances that deplete the ozone layer Ministry of Finance Licensing Requirement Export 2023-05-21 2012-07-18 0002-12-12
32 Registration for hydrochlorofluorocarbons and of products, materials, equipment or vehicles that have been designed to use substances that deplete the ozone layer Ministry of Finance Registration Requirement Export , Import 2023-05-21 2012-07-18 0002-12-14
33 Import of Fishing Vessels Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Forestry (MAPPF) Permit Requirement Import 2023-05-21 2004-04-21 0002-12-16
34 Commercial Fishing License Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Forestry (MAPPF) Permit Requirement Export 2023-05-21 2004-03-18 0002-12-18
35 Certificate of Quality for Exporting Fisheries Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Forestry (MAPPF) Certificate Requirement Export 2023-05-21 2004-04-21 0002-12-16
36 Export License for Forest Resources Ministry of Finance Licensing Requirement Export 2023-05-21 2017-08-02 0002-12-16
37 Authorization from General Inspection of Games (IGJ) for Import and export of lottery cards and other social and amusement games printed Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MCI) Permit Requirement Export , Import 2023-05-21 2016-04-20 0002-12-18
38 Certificate of Origin for export of coffee Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MCI) Certificate Requirement Export 2023-05-21 2009-09-18 0002-12-12
39 Import License for white arms or any objects which may be used as weapons Ministry of Interior Licensing Requirement Import 2023-05-21 2014-10-29 0002-12-10
40 Import Prohibitions on cryptological devices Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) Prohibited Goods Import 2023-05-21 2003-07-29 0002-12-16
41 Authorization to Import Commercialize Medicines Ministry of Health Permit Requirement Import 2023-05-22 2004-05-26 0002-12-10
42 Registrations of an Imported Motor Vehicle National Directorate for Land Transport (DNTT) Registration Requirement Import 2023-10-30 2023-03-24 0002-12-20
43 Import of Commercial Vehicles National Director of External Trade General Import 2023-11-01 2023-03-24 0002-12-18
44 Approval from National Director of the External Trade (NDET) for Importing Vehicles for Commercial Purposes National Director of External Trade Permit Requirement Import 2023-11-01 2023-03-24 0002-12-16
45 Import of Motor Vehicles (Over Five Years Old) Timor-Leste Customs Authority General Import 2023-11-01 2023-03-24 0002-12-16
46 Export Permit for Plant or Plant-based Products Quarantine and Biosecurity Unit (QBU) Permit Requirement Export 2024-02-04 2003-01-01 0002-12-04
47 Environmental License Autoridade Nacional de Licenciamento Ambiental (ANLA, I.P.) Licensing Requirement Export , Import , Transit 2024-03-20 2011-02-09 0002-12-02